January 7, 2024

Good morning, everyone. Although, we do not know one another yet. I hope we will very soon. So, I would love for you to come along and take a ride with me on my new adventure. Maybe, have some laughs and fun along the way. I hope we can get to know each other’s likes and dislikes.

Please, Allow me to introduce myself to you. I have been a daughter, a wife, a mother, a grandmother and now a great grandmother. I love America. I love my family, friends, my fur baby (Suzie) and last but not least. I especially love God. He is my solid rock. Without him I am nothing, with him I can accomplish anything.

After retiring from nursing, seven years ago. I found out just how depressing and useless my life had become. So, I decided right then and there to do something about it. I needed a change. I wanted to be able to help out my family members who are struggling with these same issues. Never having enough money to make it to the end of the month. Always, having to watch every single penny. Because, those bills do not stop. They just keep on coming.

I would like to share my good news. I am now the owner of my very own website. I would like to introduce you to: ( My hope is that you will all come and check it out, keep coming back and join me on my new journey. website will feature: Clothes, pet products, tools, sports and fitness and arts and crafts. I would like to thank you all in advance for helping support my new business. Thank you.

I also wanted to be able to donate to some charities that I am passionate about and thankful for. Alzheimer’s and cancer have hit my family and friends way too often. There are so many other wonderful charities to donate to.

On another note: Alzheimer and dementia are devastating and heartbreaking. I’m sure most of you have known or encountered someone with one of these illnesses. I have personally gone this with my former patients, friends, other family members and even my own mother. Fifteen years is a long time to watch the debilitating and deteriorating of one’s mind.The person you once knew as your mother is long gone and there is nothing you can do about it. Remember to be patient, kind, understanding and above all just continue to love them. Listen to their stories and memories a million times, Believe you me, that is not always an easy task. It is like having a grown-up one or two year old. Always remember, it is not easy for them either. they are lost, confused, living in the past, instead of the present. Even though my mother is no longer with us. She is never forgotten. One day you will wish you could hear their voice or those same old stories again. I wanted to share my mothers story with you, so you would understand why I want to help support my family and these important causes.