Essential Car Tools You Should Always Have
December 29, 2023

When you’re driving, you’re out in the world, and the world might turn deadly at any time, especially if your automobile has mechanical issues or other problems. What can you, therefore, do about it? After all, you’re (probably) not a mechanic.

Fortunately, you don’t need to be a mechanic to give yourself a greater chance of getting home or to the closest repair shop with a compact kit of necessary tools and equipment. You’ll even boost your chances of survival in the event of an accident or other emergency.

The following list of objects includes some of the most useful and likely tools you’ll need, yet using them requires no mechanical or other expertise. They are fundamentals. Of course, you could fill your car to the brim with additional tools, but you really couldn’t go wrong by always having these five basic, reasonably priced items on hand.

1. Lifehammer

This little device is quite useful in an emergency. Although it is best if you never use it, however, it is advisable to keep it on hand in case you ever find yourself in a scenario where you might need to smash a window in your car or sever a seatbelt (which is otherwise too hard to cut). As they say, time is the most important factor. This inexpensive gadget can save your life if you become stuck inside your automobile in an emergency and need to escape right away.

2. An adequate first-aid kit

When we purchase a new car, we typically receive a first aid package. But do you continually update it? You’ll never know when you’ll require it right away. So, while traveling, a good first aid kit is a need. This should also include any medications your family requires for the trip.

3. Jumper Cables

Jumper cables might also come in quite handy if you get stuck. Most of us frequently fail to keep track of the last time we changed the battery in our cars. There is a potential that your car’s battery could degrade without your knowledge. With the aid of these cables, you can move forward rather than being stopped by a starting issue. You can simply start your automobile with assistance if you have jumper cables with you.

4. Tow Strap

A tow strap is yet another necessary piece of automotive tool. Your automobile may occasionally break down while you’re driving, and the shop may be too far away for you to push the vehicle yourself. In these circumstances, a tow strap comes in handy. You can always ask for assistance and have someone pull your automobile to the closest repair shop.

5. Portable Fire Extinguisher

An improvement in safety is to keep a fire extinguisher in your automobile. The majority of people in India believe that extinguishers are only necessary for CNG vehicles, but just so you know, any vehicle, regardless of its fuel source, has the potential to catch fire owing to a short circuit. A fire extinguisher needs to be close by at all times in case of an emergency. Every time it reaches its expiration date, make sure you replace it.

These are some of the basic tools that you should always have in your car.