Best Office Pets for Great Workplaces
January 20, 2024

Were you aware that, according to a study, having a pet makes you happy and reduces stress in a variety of ways? Due to the significance of comfort in the workstation, the atmosphere there is changing from one that is solemn to one that is more upbeat and enjoyable. This doesn’t imply that work is any less serious, but it does show how highly valued employee happiness and mental health are in contemporary workplaces.

To maintain a pleasant corporate culture, office pet animals are a popular practice seen in organizations. And nice office pet animals are a wonderful plus to your job, but in reality, certain creatures are only suitable for a workplace if they adhere to safety and morale guidelines.

The following are some of the happiest and most productive ideas if your employer is considering having animals in the workstation and is looking for office pet ideas.

1. Dogs

Man’s closest buddy would be absent from any list of office animals. Dogs adore people, and people adore dogs. Given that dog breeds are the most often owned pets in the US, according to the AVMA, it is not surprising that they are one of the most popular office pets.

2. Fish

Fish are both pets and ornaments. In a waiting area, break area, or workplace, an aquarium can be used as art, impressing coworkers, clients, and visitors. It is peaceful and meditative to gaze at swimming schools. Fish are also easy to care for. Filtered fish tanks only seldom need to be cleaned, and feeding the fish in the aquarium is as simple as tossing some flakes into the water. Fish won’t muck up the office, get lost, or make noise provided nobody smashes the tank. Fish, particularly Betta fish, make excellent desk pets.

3. Cats

Cats are one of the most common pets in the United States, second only to dogs. House cats are owned by people in dozens of nations, and cats were even revered by the Egyptians (Ancient). Despite what some people may believe, cats can be incredibly affectionate and empathetic. There is a reliable claim that cat purrs possess positive effects on human physical and mental health, including a lower risk of stroke or cardiovascular disease. Cat petting or cat play is a wonderful stress reliever and social stimulant.

4. Hedgehogs

Even though hedgehogs are strange office pets, you shouldn’t completely get rid of them. Although they live in enclosures or tanks, hedgehogs are okay being held, and they at times crawl across the shoulders or even curl up in a sheet on the laps. Despite appearing spiky, hedgehogs have soft bellies and hard quills that only become rigid when they are agitated or whenever they feel threatened.

5. Hamsters

Hamsters are excellent office pets. They travel well and are compact enough to easily transfer between workspaces. They can fit on desks or on top of cabinets. To allow the furry pals to visit employees whenever they choose, you could even set up a system of tunnels between cubicles if you were feeling adventurous. Small size and limited appetite make hamsters inexpensive pets. Additionally, hamsters are lovable and low-maintenance pets that are yet simple to care for.

Strong bonds and attachment emotions are sparked by animals. Bringing a pet into the office can promote engagement and employee interactions, lower stress levels, and make the workplace much more enjoyable.