6 Sports and Fitness Activities for Kids
November 30, 2023

Considering this day and age of video games, YouTube, and smartphones, it can be hard to get children away from these gadgets. Parents should know that keeping their kids active from a young age is a healthy habit that will help them cultivate the habit and then grow up to love living an active life. So where do you begin? It is evident that children love fun, so it is recommended that parents give their kids activities that are pretty fun that they don’t even realize they’re getting exercise. Sports and fitness should be integral parts of their lives.

Below is a list of favorite sports and activities for children that get them going and keep them laughing the whole time.

1. Red Light, Green Light

For the game to work, one person has to be the traffic cop. Everyone stands at the starting line, and the police officer (traffic) has their back to everyone else. Players’ mandate is to reach the finish line after the officer says “green light.” When the officer yells “red light,” they are expected to turn around, and players are expected to stop where they are. If a player is moving when the traffic police see them, he or she directs them back to where they started (i.e., the starting line). Whoever gets to the finish point (line) first wins and gets to be the new traffic police.

2. Animal Races

Sports and fitness activities for children that use their whole bodies are big winners when it comes to keeping kids fit. Races that aren’t just about running are a lot of fun and at the same time a little bit silly. Races like the bunny hop, duck, crab, frog jump, and, or bear walk will make you and the kids laugh while working almost every muscle in their bodies.

3. Jump Rope

Your kids can get in shape by hopping, skipping, and doing double-dutch jumps. Jumping rope uses many different muscles and is harder on your body than it looks. If you want to give your kids some creative fun while they jump rope, sing some fun jump rope rhymes with them. This is perhaps among the best sports and fitness activities for children.

4. Dance Party

Is there anyone who doesn’t like to get up and move around every once in a while? Create a playlist of all your best songs and then dance through the night. You won’t believe how much stamina you require to keep dancing. You can as well make it a competition to see who can do it for long.

5. Follow the Leader

Follow your children around the house or even in your yard. Make sure to change the pace as you can also add energetic moves like stomping, jumping, tiptoeing, crawling, squatting, etc. Everyone is bound to have a great time, and you’ll probably work out just as well as the children.

6. Hopscotch

Hopscotch is one of the most popular games for kids that has been played for many years. This tested and proven game assists kids learn to control their bodies and improves their balance, strength, and eye-hand coordination. The best thing is that all you need to play is a rock and some chalk.