5 Reasons Why Dogs Wag Their Tails
December 24, 2023


The wagging of a dog’s tail is an instinctive and natural behavior that has many purposes. Recent studies have proven that a dog’s tail wags for reasons other than enjoyment, contrary to popular belief. Dogs utilize their tails as a form of communication with other animals and even with their humans. Veterinarians have long suspected that a wagging tail isn’t always an indication of contentment; in fact, many anxious or defensive dogs exhibit this behavior when visiting the doctor. This often leads to a hazardous misunderstanding between veterinarians and pet owners.

1. Dogs wag their tails to communicate with other dogs and humans

Dogs wag their tails to the left when they see a human they know, and to the right when they see an unknown human or another dog. This is because the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and vice versa. When a dog wags its tail to the left, it is indicating that it is happy and relaxed in the presence of the person. Conversely, when a dog wags its tail to the right, it is showing signs of stress or anxiety.

2. Dogs wag their tails when they’re happy, excited, or nervous

A dog will wag its tail when it is happy, excited, or nervous. This is because the wagging of the tail releases endorphins, which have a calming effect on the dog. It is also believed that the movement of the tail helps to spread the dog’s scent, which makes them feel more secure in their surroundings.

3. Dogs wag their tails to show dominance or submission

Dogs also use their tails to signal their dominance or submission. When a dog wags its tail in a high, slow arc, it is showing signs of dominance. Conversely, when a dog wags its tail quickly and close to the ground, it is indicating submission.

4. Dogs wag their tails for territorial reasons

Dogs will also wag their tails when they are feeling territorial. This is usually accompanied by a low growl and a stiff body posture. The dog is essentially saying, “This is my territory, and you’re not welcome here.”

5. Dog might wag its tail as a warning signal

In some cases, a dog might wag its tail as a warning signal. This is also usually accompanied by a low growl and a notably stiff body posture. The dog is basically saying, “I’m feeling threatened, and you should back off.”


While the wagging of a dog’s tail can have many different meanings, it is important to remember that every dog is different and will exhibit different behaviors in different situations. If you are ever unsure about what your dog is trying to communicate, it is always best to consult with a professional.